A blog focused on worship, pedals, lead guitar, and glorifying the King. I hope it edifies you in all things.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Gear: Be Humble

"The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart." Psalm 51:17 

Be Humble (Ps. 51:17)

Back in high school, I was asked to pick out a Bible verse to read in front of the congregation. I went home and googled "good Bible verses in Psalms", expecting to see a bunch of verses about praising God with a loud noise and with instruments. I wanted to blow everyone away with my expert selection. Instead, what the Spirit revealed to me was Psalm 51:17, a verse about breaking oneself to please God. This greatly upset me. I didn't want to be humble! I wanted to be the cool, hip, attractive guitarist with the ultra-relevant Bible verse and the cool hair.  But God had other plans. God used that verse to humble me and equip me to better lead others. 

Welcome, Pedalheads


You like pedals? Good. So do I. You also like to worship our Creator with your use of pedals? Me too! I'm glad we have these things in common.